This is one of my all time favourite business books
How to Book Yourself Solid even if you hate marketing and selling.
I read this book: Book yourself Solid by Micheal Port a couple of years ago, but still find the information as valuable today as then.
This book is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to get more clients. It’s a step-by-step guide that will teach you how to become the most efficient and effective salesperson you can be.
You will learn how to create a strategy and a plan for your business, how to position yourself as the most reliable and best option in your industry, and how to increase your visibility with potential clients.
Book Yourself Solid has been one of the most popular marketing books in the world for service-based businesses since its initial release in 2006.
This new third edition includes updated and expanded strategies, techniques, and skills to help you get more clients and increase your take-home profits.
- Build a solid foundation for a stellar public image
- Enhance your reputation for trust and credibility
- Perfect your pitch and pricing to attract higher-caliber clients
- Adopt the six core strategies that will keep you booked solid
Spending just a small amount of time on self-promotion is an investment. You build a reputation that attracts high-quality clients, which boosts your profits, your track record, and your reputation, which in turn attracts even more high-quality clients. Book Yourself Solid shows you how to kick off this cycle of success, and maintain it for the long term.
I like Port’s non-sleazy approach to sales and marketing.
The Book Yourself Solid Six Keys To Creating Connections: Who What, Where, When, Why, and How
Some other topics covered in the books is how to become
- A Likeable expert in your field
- Develop a personal brand
- Direct outreach strategy
About Michael Port
Called “an uncommonly honest author” by the Boston Globe and a “marketing guru” by the Wall Street Journal
Michael Port is the author of nine books, which have been translated into twenty-nine languages. A few of them have become perennial bestsellers and made it onto such lists as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. Some have won awards from 800-ceo-read and Amazon. After delivering thousands of paid speeches on the world’s biggest stages, Michael and his wife, Amy, built Heroic Public Speaking HQ , a ten-thousand-square-foot performance training center, to develop and nurture the next generation of professional speakers along with CEOs and founders, bestselling authors, business owners, and people leading movements and advancing important causes. More at:
He also runs the Book Yourself Solid Mentoring Program serving business
owners from all over the world and The Book Yourself Solid School of
Training, which certifies consultants in the Book Yourself Solid
Book Yourself Solid Dialogue Formula
You know how [target market] do, are, or feel [3 biggest problems your target market faces]?
Well, what I do is [how you solve these problems] and they benefit because [deepest benefits your clients receive].
This is one of the best sales and marketing books for service professionals that I‘ve read. Get it now on Amazon Kindle