
Bestselling Author Tony Robbins’ New Book “Life Force”

Tony Robbins -“Life Force”


Transform your life or the life of someone you love with Life Force—the newest breakthroughs in health technology to help maximize your energy and strength, prevent disease, and extend your health span—from Tony Robbins, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Money: Master the Game.

What if there were scientific solutions that could wipe out your deepest fears of falling ill, receiving a life-threatening diagnosis, or feeling the effects of aging? What if you had access to the same cutting-edge tools and technology used by peak performers and the world’s greatest athletes?

In a world full of fear and uncertainty about our health, it can be difficult to know where to turn for actionable advice you can trust. Today, leading scientists and doctors in the field of regenerative medicine are developing diagnostic tools and safe and effective therapies that can free you from fear.

In this book, Tony Robbins, the world’s #1 life and business strategist who has coached more than fifty million people, brings you more than 100 of the world’s top medical minds and the latest research, inspiring comeback stories, and amazing advancements in precision medicine that you can apply today to help extend the length and quality of your life.

This book is the result of Robbins going on his own life-changing journey. After being told that his health challenges were irreversible, he experienced firsthand how new regenerative technology not only helped him heal but made him stronger than ever before.

Life Force will show you how you can wake up every day with increased energy, a more bulletproof immune system, and the know-how to help turn back your biological clock. This is a book for everyone, from peak performance athletes, to the average person who wants to increase their energy and strength, to those looking for healing. Life Force provides answers that can transform and even save your life, or that of someone you love.

About the Author

Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, #1 New York Times bestselling author, and philanthropist honored by Accenture as one of the top fifty business intellectuals in the world. Robbins is a leader called upon by leaders: He’s consulted and coached some of the world’s greatest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and four US presidents. Robbins is a founder, partner, or early investor in 100+ privately held businesses with combined sales exceeding $7 billion annually. Through his philanthropy and partnership with Feeding America, he has provided more than 800 million meals and is on track to provide 1 billion meals by 2025. He lives in Palm Beach, Florida.

Peter H. Diamandis, MD, is a New York Times bestselling author and the cofounder of Singularity University, Human Longevity, Inc., Celularity, Inc., and founder of Bold Capital Partners. He is the founder and Executive Chairman of XPRIZE. Diamandis has degrees in molecular genetics and aerospace engineering from MIT and an MD from Harvard Medical School.

Robert Hariri, MD, PhD, is an accomplished neurosurgeon, biomedical scientist, and serial entrepreneur in biomedicine and aerospace. He is the cofounder and chairman of Celularity, Inc. Before Celularity, Dr. Hariri was the founder and CEO of Anthrogenesis Corporation, acquired by Celgene Corporation, and cofounded the genomic-based health intelligence company Human Longevity, Inc.


2020 has given me the opportunity to review my life and where I want to go. Luckly my good friend Alta Odendaal has really helped me on this journey and what I have learned from her coaching is that your mind set determines you direction and outcome.

Now, Tony Robbins is one of my favorite motivational speakers to listen to. So I am thrilled with his latest book

“Life Force”.

“Life Force” is Tony’s newest book, and it’s a must-read for anybody who wants to live a healthier life. The idea of using precision medicine to optimize your health care is eye opening. Seriously, the most impactful book I have ever read!

– Cornelia

Click here and get it now on Amazon

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